
In this page we will cover most common tasks for interacting with Marketplace.

POST /marketplace/search/items

Item NFTs search

Request Body

POST /marketplace/search/materials

Material NFTs search

Request Body

Marketplace contract details:

Address: 0x9C591CE2108f3a15Be6A17457c29FB68f6b3b69B
ABI url:

For those who want to connect his own contract with Marketplace here's solidity interface:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity 0.8.4;

interface IMarketplace {

  struct Order {
    uint token_id;
    address seller;
    uint64 created_at;
    bool auction;
    bool exists;
    bool successful;
    bool closed;
    uint48 price;
    uint64 lifetime;
    bytes3 nft_name;

  struct Bet {
    uint order_id;
    address buyer;
    uint48 price;
    bool closed;
    bool successful;

  function getOrder(uint _order_id) public view returns (Order memory);

  function getOrdersCount() public view returns (uint);
  // _nft_name possible values: 'itm' | 'mat' | 'box' | 'zon'
  function createOrder(uint _token_id, uint _price, bytes3 _nft_name) external;

  function closeOrder(uint _order_id) external;

  function buyOrder(uint _order_id) external;

  function getBet(uint _id) public view returns (Bet memory);

  function createAuction(uint _token_id, uint _price, uint _expire_at, bytes3 _nft_name) external;

  function placeBet(uint _order_id, uint _price) external;

  function updateBet(uint _bet_id, uint _price) external;

  function closeAuction(uint _order_id) public;

  function finishAuction(uint _order_id) external;

  function closeBet(uint _bet_id) public;

Last updated